Thursday, June 21, 2012

LA Living

My time in LA thus far has been a whirlwind. I arrived just over a week ago, and met my mom at the airport. Right from there, we headed to Santa Monica to pick up my new car. We were vagabonds for the week, hopping from house to house of family and friends for almost a week.

The first house we stayed had two of the most adorable Golden Retrievers I have ever seen. I wanted to take both of them with me; I’m going through a little bit of dog withdrawl.

The next day, my mom and I decided to tour some apartments I’ve had my eye on for some time. They were beautiful. A perfect location, great pool, gym, huge, spacious apartments in a gated community. Needless to say, now everywhere else looks like a dump in comparison. The  hardest thing right now is trying to find a roommate my age. Multiple websites are flooded with open bedrooms, but with older rooommates. It is a bit trickier than I expected to meet people here!

It has been great catching up with family and friends I rarely get to see. Now I will see them all the time!

Welcoming my cousin & friends back from being on the road touring with a delicious spread! 

Mom’s last night out here, we checked into a great hotel and celebrated the evening at the rooftop bar with delicious cocktails and some great food!

I started my internship Monday – it is amazing! So much fun, and never a dull moment. For now I’ve been enjoying my days off, still on the hunt for a great apartment, roommate, and job. In the meantime, I move into my summer apartment on Saturday! Yipee!

More to come…pictures, not text, I promise!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Stella & Dot

During my sorority's Senior Week, one sister put on a Stella & Dot trunk show. If you've never seen their jewelry, look now - you'll be obsessed! Worried about breaking the bank? 50% of the line is under $50! The jewelry can be seen everywhere, on television, in magazines, on celebrities - a contestant in the Miss USA pageant was wearing a necklace just last week! After drooling over every single piece, I decided to become an Independent Stylist, and be able to host trunk shows of my own.

After building a significant collection of items over the past few weeks, and holding my first trunk show in New York City, I am ready to do more!

Hosting a trunk show is a great opportunity. You are able to invite all of your friends over, break out some wine, cheese, crackers and all of your favorite goodies, and browse the Stella & Dot collection. There is no cost to host, and no pressure to buy! In fact, as hostess, you even get great discounts and free jewelry!

Check out the website to see the jewelry and even shop online, or contact me and I will come host a trunk show for you and all of your friends!

The Real World

So, since I graduated college a few short weeks ago and am now entering the real world, I thought it was time to re-launch my blog.

On May 19, I graduated Cum Laude on a beautiful Saturday, with amazing friends and family there cheering me on. They (still) have the sunburns to prove it! Each night of the weekend was celebrated with a delicious dinner at my favorite local Portsmouth restaurants, Agave and The Library.

I had been planning to move out to Los Angeles at the end of June, but recently got word that I got the internship at an incredible Fashion PR company in West Hollywood - and I start soon! I've been scrambling to figure out flights, car shopping, and where I am going to live.

Now, my ticket is officially booked, and I am off to Los Angeles on Wednesday! I just have to figure out how to pack my entire life and wardrobe into two not big enough suitcases.

Wish me luck!