Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Making Change

So today, I decided to take a piggy bank full of change to the Coinstar machine. My options were to get the change turned to cash, with 9.8 cents for every dollar taken out, or get a gift card of the full amount to iTunes, Starbucks, Amazon, Piperlime/Gap/Banana, or Choosing the most money efficient, I got a gift-card to Amazon for $67! When the receipt, I also received an extra $10 bonus to $77 to Amazon! Wooo.

Afterwards, Kelsey, Laura, Jill and Sam came to visit, and we went to the Melting Pot for dinner! We stuffed ourselves to the brim on scrumptious fiesta cheese, chicken, and s'mores chocolate fondue. Laura, Jill and Sam left :(, and it is time for Kelsey and I to rest our full tummies in front of the television for a chick-flick.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Goodbye, AXO

So last week was finals week, which was also my last week in NH for a long time!! After a week of brutal finals, I picked up and moved out of my room in AXO. This is the sad result :(

Only 19 days till I flee the country! It's starting to sink in! ahhh

Sunday, October 17, 2010

give it a go

so i had some free time this weekend and decided, since i am already getting so anxious for scotland, to set up my blog now, and get used to posting!

it took me a good hour just to figure out how to make a cute header, and now i have to finish pimping the rest of my blog.

hopefully it will be appreciated!