Saturday, March 26, 2011

Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

Today I went with Andrea, who lives down the hall from me, to the Edinburgh Zoo. We walked around the entire zoo seeing all of the animals. At 2:15 each day, they open the gates of the penguins and let them roam freely around - called the Penguin Parade. I was so excited for that, but it is a voluntary activity (meaning they just open the gates, and do not force the penguins out, they can wander out if they want to), and today the Penguins didn't feel like marching. They said it is because it is mating season so they are a bit preoccupied. Other than that, it was still really great to see all of the animals! Not exactly the same as going when you are younger, though, because now I was old enough to see how sad all the animals seemed in their tiny caged homes :(

But here are some pictures!

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