Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Let's Not Go Hungry

You may be asking, so what the heck do you eat? I've learned a few very important things so far.

1. Keep hydrated. I have always been a big water drinker, and it turns out I was still dehydrated. Now I know better! My headaches have disappeared, and I am not constantly so hungry.

How do you know if you are drinking enough water? Take your body weight and divide it in half. That is the amount of water you should be drinking daily. For example, if you weigh 120lb, you should be drinking 60oz of water per day, at the very least.

I'm also a very hangry person (hangry: whiney, angry, and difficult when not fed for long periods of time). That has made me realize the importance of always having things on hand that I am able to eat. It is incredibly frustrating to be hungry, and feel as though I am unable to eat anything due to my limitations.

So - I've created a guide to what is in my kitchen. These are things I try to always have on hand, as things can be easily mixed and matched to make delicious meals, and great for my constant snacking.

They are a lot of the basics for my recipes to come!

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