Friday, June 8, 2012

The Real World

So, since I graduated college a few short weeks ago and am now entering the real world, I thought it was time to re-launch my blog.

On May 19, I graduated Cum Laude on a beautiful Saturday, with amazing friends and family there cheering me on. They (still) have the sunburns to prove it! Each night of the weekend was celebrated with a delicious dinner at my favorite local Portsmouth restaurants, Agave and The Library.

I had been planning to move out to Los Angeles at the end of June, but recently got word that I got the internship at an incredible Fashion PR company in West Hollywood - and I start soon! I've been scrambling to figure out flights, car shopping, and where I am going to live.

Now, my ticket is officially booked, and I am off to Los Angeles on Wednesday! I just have to figure out how to pack my entire life and wardrobe into two not big enough suitcases.

Wish me luck!

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